Monday, 3 February 2025

Gettysburg Day 1 - McPherson's Ridge.

It has been a while since the last American Civil War game so I decided to get the two sides out for a bit of exercise. I usually prefer to replay historical battles to compare the historical result with the war game result and this was no exception. In this case the scenario was the Battle of McPherson's ridge which was part of the first day of Gettysburg. The scenario I found on the excellent Jay's Wargaming Madness page which is a great source of inspiration and adapted it a little.. Essentially the Confederates have numerical superiority to start with, they have to push the union troops off McPherson's ridge and then see if they can take Seminary Hill behind before Union reinforcements come up. In our game the Confederates got off to a bit of a slow start and the first wave took heavy casualties, especially the frontal infantry attacks on the artillery were disastrous. However, the weight of numbers eventually prevailed and the union troops that survived withdrew from McPherson's Ridge. By now Union reinforcements had arrived unformed a second line of defence on Seminary hill. The first impetuous confederate attack failed to put a dent in the blue line. However once the Confederates resited their two artillery batteries on McPherson's ridge the Union started to suffer. the second confederate attack went in with the bayonet and artillery support and was more successful, although on the left of the Confederate line a confederate regiment was thrown back by stout Union defence, on the right a union Regiment broke and fled at the mere sight of the oncoming southerners. The Union withdrew their artillery behind the hill or else lose it to superior confederate artillery fire, and the triumphant confederates secured a foothold on the Hill itself. Unfortunately the Union artillery now out of sight of the Confederate artillery behind the hill was well placed to vaporize the unlucky but triumphant confederate regiment which had taken the hill. Ka boom!!! At this point both armies were technically broken as the result of having suffered over 50% of their starting strength in casualties so we can concluded the game. It had been a very nail biting game and the rules had worked well. The rules were the Neil Thomas Napoleonic wargaming rules which I have adapted for the American Civil War, and usually produce a fast, brutal and decisive game.

The Union line on MacPherson's ridge

With the farm in the background

The first Confederate attack

But Union reinforcements are on their way!

Confederates move through the woods to attack the farm

Unwise frontal assault on Union battery...

Only the right flank remains of the Union line

But a new line has been formed on Seminary Ridge

Confederates charge towards the second Union line

Who are ready!

General view showing advancing Confederates and Union in defence

Target rich environment...

Hurrah for the Zouaves!

Confederates chase Union troops out of the woods!

Full scale attack on Seminary

The Confederates secure a foot hold on the ridge.

And more are coming!

Union battery vaporises the triumphant Confederates on the ridge.


Sunday, 10 March 2024

Blackbeard's Revenge


So as it was Ed's birthday he requested that we play the pirate game again, which I have previously reported on this blog and I was very keen to get the ships out or some more nautical mayhem.

We had three players each one had a galleon and a Sloop, galleons have more firepower but sloops are more manoeuvrable.

To mix the game up a bit we also had a Treasure Island in the middle of the table, which was naturally where the treasure chest was located. Ideally we would have had some natives or tribesmen on the island but I do not have any, so I used some skeletons from my fantasy collection. Unfortunately by now my imagination was working overtime and it also gave them a catapult made from dear bones.

The scenario was that the pirate captains had to defeat one another and the winner would claim the treasure assuming that they could defeat the skeletons first.

The pirate captains were Red beard, Black beard and Ahab.

The game started with Red beard and Blackbeard picking on each other and Ahab sneaking around the back of Red beard and sniping at him when he could with his Sloop. Red Beard by using repeated grapeshot and musketry volleys reduced the crew of Blackbeard’s galleon to a point where Blackbeard had to abandon it and consolidate all of his troops in Sloop.

Using repeated volleys of chain shot Ahab was able to disable Red beard's Sloop and leave it dead in the water. Insult was added to injury when the skeleton catapult on the island scored a direct hit and sank it! The crew were promptly plunged into the water where two of them were eaten by sharks but the remainder managed to make it to Red beards galleon.

Ahab was doing quite well at this point and had hardly any casualties, unfortunately traversing fire from Blackbeard's galleon changed all of this, a devastating volley of canister wiped out most of the crew, and he was forced to abandon the galleon and set it adrift.

Redbeard now decided to ram Blackbeard's Sloop with his galleon and did significant damage to it, however Black beard took advantage of the situation by boarding Red Beards galleon unchallenging Red beard to a duel. Red beard lost the duel, was killed and his crew then went over to Blackbeard.

This meant that there only two captains left Blackbeard and Ahab.

Ahab moved his Sloop towards the island and volleyed the skeletons with grapeshot and musket fire before landing his troops on the island in search of the treasure.

Blackbeard also landed on the island and a three sided melee ensued between Blackbeard, Ahab and skeletons. The combat went on for several rounds but eventually Black beard was triumphant.

It had been a very entertaining game, with the fortunes of war having one way and then the other. I had amended the rules before the game to introduce three different types of ammunition for the cannon which worked really well. We also had the sail off the end of the world rule which meant that a ship which sailed off the table came back again next turn at a random point on the table, this also made the game quite entertaining.

Rules are below –

Pirate rules


Determine initiative

Player 1 fires and moves a ship and crew

Player 2 fires and moves a ship and crew



Movement 8 inches, no obstacles

Firing –

50% of crew rounding up.

Pistols – 12 inches, Muskets - 18 inches

Hit on 4+, Save on 4+

No cover.

Result –

1-2 – over the side, 3-6 – killed



Roll to hit 3+ depending on weapon skill.

Save 4+, captains 3+

Fail result –

1-2 – over the side, 3-6 – killed

Over the side – roll d6, 1-2 eaten by sharks, 3+ climb back up next turn but may not fire or attack.



Move 12, 18 with the wind behind.

Turn pivot on stern - galleons – 45 degrees no penalty, 90 degrees half move.

Sloops – up to 90 degrees no penalty

Ships may not turn on the spot.

Shimmying – ships can shimmy sideways 6 inches and turn 45 degrees

Ramming – 2D6 each

Firing cannon

Ranges – short – 8, medium up to 16, long up to 24.

To hit – short 3+, medium 4+, long +5

Damage roll – 5+

1 - Rigging hit – D3 damage, galleon - 12 points, sloop – 8 points of damage. Immobilized when points level exceeded.

2 - Upper deck hit – d3 casualties.

3 - Gun deck – 1 gun destroyed, D3 damage to hull

4 - Hull – 1 average D damage - 233445

Hull – galleon - 20 points, sloop – 12 points of damage. Sinks when points level exceeded. Crew have 1 turn to abandon ship.


Boarding takes place as a result of –

Moving parallel;


Ramming (optional).

The attacker places his troops on the defender figures to figure. Both sides can fire just before combat is joined.

Boarding range is 3 in.


If there are less than 3 of a sloop crew alive and on deck, they surrender.

If there are less than 5 of a galleon crew alive and on deck, they surrender.

Crew in the water

Join the crew of whoever picks them up. 

Each captain receives 3 of the cards below at the start of the game.


Sunday, 25 February 2024

54mm Alamo Wargame Battle Report


I was inspired to do an Alamo project by reading a post on the 54 millimetre gaming blog and also a battle report here.

I had just finished my American Civil War 54 millimetre project and was looking around for another and the Alamo seemed ideal. Who could not be stirred by this epic story of a tiny Garrison holding out against massive numbers of attackers and finally dying gloriously?

Sourcing the figures was obviously the first step.

I am in the UK not the US so sourcing Alamo figures was not that easy.

BMC make a couple of Alamo play sets which I bought on Amazon UK. These are literally mixed bags.

One bag contains Mexicans in the correct uniform for the period, the other contains Mexicans of the San Juan hill period, however these make good dismounted Mexican lancers which is what I use them for, fitting well with the IMEX so-called round hat infantry.

The BMC Alamo defenders on the whole a pretty poor lot, some of them are usable but other figures are so bizarre that I discarded them. However where BMC score is providing some excellent character figures, so that I was able to represent Travis Crockett Santa Anna Dickinson Bonham and Bowie.

For the rest of the Mexicans I used the following-

Airfix French imperial guard as zapadores

Airfix French line infantry

Call to arms French Light Infantry

Call to arms Dutch infantry

Call to arms Belgian infantry

Imex round hat Mexican infantry

Some of these needed a bit of green stuff to convert the trousers or the shakos.

For the Alamo defenders I used some of the BMC figures referred to above, I picked up a few CTS Alamo defenders on eBay, a few Call to Arms confederate infantry, and some excellent American Revolution militia by Accurate, some of which I used as they are others are converted by removing tricorns and replacing stockings with trousers using green stuff again.

I looked around for rules and having considered several sets decided to use the same rules – Come and take it! - as in the original blog which had inspired my project these were published in the excellent Courier magazine and you can buy these at War games Vault for very little.

The rules call for 350 Mexicans and 75 Texans plus heroes, however I scaled my version of the game down a little so I had painted 280 Mexicans and I think about 65 Texans. Including this was some Mexican cavalry, I converted Call to Arms Inniskilling dragoons to Mexican lancers, and painted some Call to Arms French curassiers as Mexican curassiers, on the basis that both lancers and curassiers appear in the John Wayne movie.

The Alamo buildings I made out a foam card using a modelling knife and glue gun, they're really easy to make because the roofs are flat so essentially all you're doing is putting together a box. The Alamo Chapel is also foam card, the appearance of blocks is simply done by inscribing into the foam card with a ballpoint pen or pencil.

So the way that the rules work is that there are three waves of Mexicans attacking the Alamo each wave has to be annihilated before the next wave can be deployed.

In the original rules they are three waves of 350 Mexicans as described above in my games they were scaled down to three ways of 280 Mexicans. The Mexican objective is to kill all of the Alamo defenders if they fail to do this using the 3rd wave the Alamo defenders are considered to have won.

The rules are very cleverly constructed to create a balanced game, with the Texan artillery becoming less effective with each wave, but the Texans can move more quickly than the Mexicans and can redeploy to meet Mexican threats as they occur.

The first wave of Mexicans came on bravely, but walked into a veritable hail of musketry and canister, the 18 pounder was particularly deadly, and the Mexicans were knocked over in droves, many of them failing to get anywhere near the walls. Only one brave Mexican managed to scale the walls but it was promptly knocked off by Jim Bowie.

At the end of the first wave the Mexicans had lost 280 men, the Texans had lost 7, around 10% of Garrison strength.

The Texans were initially cock a hoop at this result, however they could actually ill afford the few losses that they had taken and the coverage of the walls was now looking a little thin.

Now the second wave came on, undeterred by the fate of the first wave, they surged towards the walls. The cannon are less effective against the 2nd wave, and also the Texan shooting seemed to be somewhat off this time, so most of the Mexicans actually made it to the walls.

Once at the walls they started putting up ladders only to find the dastardly Texans insisted on pushing them over before they can climb them! However the Mexicans persisted in trying to climb the ladders while providing covering fire, and managed to get Mexicans on the ramparts in several locations.

However the real drama took place at the palisade. Here the Mexicans had deployed their elite Zapadores to take on Davys boys and Davy Crockett himself. Travis also lent a hand as the elite Mexican infantry made a determined effort to break through the palisade. Eventually Crockett's boys managed to push them back but at a cost.

At the same time the Mexicans also went for the main gate. They succeeded in bursting the gates open and prepared to charge through, unfortunately they were met with such a ferocious volley of musketry from the courtyard that the Mexican regiment broke and ran off the table!

Meanwhile the Mexicans who had managed to scale the walls were gradually being pushed off again, morale checks around the perimeter led to a number of Mexican regiments breaking.

So the second wave resulted in a further 280 Mexicans being killed, however half of the Texan Garrison had now fallen as well.

Sadly at this point we had run out of time, so we were unable to play the 3rd wave.

However it was pretty clear that there was no way that with the reduced Garrison the Texans would be able to hold the walls against a third wave of 280 Mexicans. The only thing they could do would be to spike the guns and fall back to the Chapel selling their lives as dearly as they could.

Overall it was one of the best war games ever, the rules are absolutely brilliant they recreate the atmosphere of the battle really well, they enable a well balanced game which is a lot of fun to play for both sides, and it really was like living the movie.

Its one we will definitely again which we will want to play over and over again.

Remember the Alamo!

Bowie and the 18 pounder

Crockett and his boys at the palisade


New Orleans Greys

Palisade defenders


Santa Anna and staff

Casualties after the first wave

The second wave

Take the gateway!

Get up the ladders!

The furious battle at the palisade

Travis defiant

Defenders are looking a bit stretched

Mexican lancers scale the walls only to be knocked off by Travis...just a bit of fun.

However the real drama took place at the palisade. Here the Mexicans had deployed their elite Zapadores to take on Davys boys and Davy Crockett himself. Travis also lent a hand as the elite Mexican infantry made a determined effort to break through the palisade. Eventually Crockett's boys managed to push them back but at a cost.

At the same time the Mexicans also went for the main gate. They succeeded in bursting the gates open and prepared to charge through, unfortunately they were met with such a ferocious volley of musketry from the courtyard that the Mexican regiment broke and ran off the table!

Meanwhile the Mexicans who had managed to scale the walls were gradually being pushed off again, morale checks around the perimeter led to a number of Mexican regiments breaking.

So the second wave resulted in a further 280 Mexicans being killed, however half of the Texan Garrison had now fallen as well.

Sadly at this point we had run out of time, so we were unable to play the 3rd wave.

However it was pretty clear that there was no way that with the reduced Garrison the Texans would be able to hold the walls against a third wave of 280 Mexicans. The only thing they could do would be to spike the guns and fall back to the Chapel selling their lives as dearly as they could.

Overall it was one of the best war games ever, the rules are absolutely brilliant they recreate the atmosphere of the battle really well, they enable a well balanced game which is a lot of fun to play for both sides, and it really was like living the movie.

Its one we will definitely again which we will want to play over and over again.

Remember the Alamo!


Gettysburg Day 1 - McPherson's Ridge.

It has been a while since the last American Civil War game so I decided to get the two sides out for a bit of exercise. I usually prefer to...